Dr. Rajesh Dhopeshwarkar- Cardiologist at KEM Hospitals, Pune

Dr. Rajesh Dhopeshwarkar is a Cardiologist associated with King Edward Memorial (KEM) Hospital, Pune.

  • Qualification: MD, DM (AIIMS), FHRS, CEPS
  • Department: Cardiology
  • Location:  Pune
  • Other details-NA
  • Address– 489, Rasta Peth, Sardar Moodliar Road, Pune Maharashtra, India 411011.
  • Contact number
    • (Mon-Sat, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM)
    • +91 20 6603 7460
    • +91 20 2621 7460
    • Fax: +91 20 2612 4288
  • Email ID-
    • General Enquiries: info@kemhospital.org
    • Billing/Finance Enquiries: finance@kemhospital.org
    • Career Enquiries: hr@kemhospital.org
  • Ambulance
    • +91 94210 18970
    • +91 98509 18420
  • Mainline
    • +91 20 2621 7300
    • +91 20 6603 7300
  • Emergency
    • +91 20 2621 7305
    • +91 20 6603 7305

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